A Technology & Consulting Company
ITERON is fast growing dynamic Software development, Service and Consultancy company. Following are the legal entities in various Continents. We believe in "near-to-customer" model
- ITERON AG, Basel, Switzerland
- ITERON Australia PTY Limited, Canberra, Australia
- ITERON US Inc., Texas, US
- ITERON Technologies Pvt. Limited, Chennai, India
- ITERON Lanka Pvt. Limited, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- ITERON Germany Branch Office, Vöhl-Marienhagen, Germany
An Information Technology firm providing innovative solutions to industries through modern technology tools, high end services, business consultancy and processes implementations. The group works on the concept of right shore models to cater to the needs of the clients effectively across the globe to overcome the cultural differences, language barriers and expectation gaps.
A key player in market with the following Business Units
° Blockchain Consultancy and Solutions
° AI Consultancy and Solutions
° Web and Mobile Development Services
° US and Germany focus on Microsoft Technologies like Sharepoint, .Net, Azure, Dynamics
Growth Strategies
Key to success of a Service Industry is the Expertise in-house. Below is the healthy mix we build and ensure to cater to the needs of the market. We take one vs Team approach. It is easy to hire a freelancer or Contractor but the risk for companies is very high. ITERON overcomes this risk by providing a mixture of experts in a Team for Project to optimize costs and increase value.